Ben H (go back »)

August 19 2008, 6:27 AM

Category: My Closest Friends

Ben This boy is amazing :] We talk everynight Most of the time arguing about the fact hes hot because he doesnt think so and that i look like a zombie Because he says 'i'm the hottest zombie hes ever seen' XD This is normally accompanied by him sitting topless on webcam eating a dairy milk or him bent over givin me a view of his arse XD He cheers me up no end I dont even mind him waking me up at 6.30am to talk :] And we sit and wear our sunnies on Webcam cos were Cool (H) but he sulks if i make pancakes without him, bless I proper miss him if i dont talk yo him. Ly xxx


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  • Female
  • 18 years old


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